Electronic engineering is a professional discipline that deals with the behavior and effects of electrons
The electronic gadgets and equipments used in entertainment, media, hospitals, homes and industries owe their origin to the electronics engineers who play an important role in their designing, fabrication, maintenance, supervision and manufacturing. Electronics devices direct and test production process in major industries and agriculture. Health care industry depends on electronic instruments to perform chemical tests and to check body functions. The safeties in transportation, factories and mines and in homes are heavily relied on electronics. So the importance of engineers in the field of electronics is increasing day by day.
These engineers work with microprocessors, fiber optics and in telecommunication systems like television, radio and telephone. They are helpful in providing new solutions to practical problems. They supervise production, manufacturing and installation processes and work with devices that don't need large amount of power. Sometimes they have to work with the specialist teams to set up electronic equipments and components for a number of industries including hospitals, computer industry, electronic data processing systems for communication and in defense etc.
Job Prospects
This is a relatively labor intensive field so it provides a tremendous amount of job potential to the qualified personnel. As the industrial progress is fast and expanding so are the number of jobs and those who opt for this subject get easily absorbed in their desired area of work. Electronics engineers can find employment both in private sector and public sector units like All India Radio, Indian Telephone Industries, MTNL, National Physical Laboratories, AIR, Civil Aviation Department; Post and Telegraph Department; Co-ordination Department, National Physical Laboratory, Bharat Electronics Limited, Development Centers in various States etc. dealing in manufacture, sales and services of electronics consumer goods and appliances. Electronics engineers are demanded in the entertainment transmission industry, research establishments, and defense. They can also opt for teaching and research in engineering colleges. For holding of a gazetted post in government one needs to clear the Engineering Service Examinations, which are held annually by the U.P.S.C or S.P.S.C.
Electronic Engineers can start their own business by manufacture electronic parts, goods and components.
Professional Courses
One needs a B.E or B.Tech degree to become an Electronics Engineer or one must have passed the AMIE (Associate Membership Examination of the Institute of Engineers) in electronics or Graduate membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers or at least a diploma in Electronics Engineering. For those who want to enter teaching or research work in this field one should possess a postgraduate degree of M.E or M.tech in Electronics Engineering. Those who want to hold a managerial position should also possess an M.B.A degree along with a degree in Engineering.
Colleges, Institutions and Universities
Following are the area where electronics engineers can specialize in:
- Biomedical Engineering this branch studies about designing prosthetic devices and electronic systems for medical use, develop monitoring and imaging equipment for clinics and hospitals, and devise biomedical research tools.
- Analog and Digital Electronics studies about designing electronic systems and subsystems for the home entertainment, telecommunication, automotive, aircraft, instrumentation, and manufacturing industries.
- Communications and Digital Processing Specialists in these areas design circuits and software for transmitters and receivers, devise speech and video compression algorithms, and develop computer programs and systems for recording, analyzing and displaying all types of digital and analog information.
- Power electronics devise systems that generate and distribute electrical energy to homes and businesses, and design more efficient motors and generators.
- Fields, magnetics and optics they devise methods to squeeze ever-larger amounts of data onto magnetic storage devices, such as discs. Optical engineers use light to solve diverse problems in telecommunications, data storage, laser design, sensing and imaging systems, and metrology, apply microwave and high frequency electromagnetic technology to telecommunications, radar, and high-speed circuit design.
- Semi-conductor devices Engineers in this area apply their knowledge of solid-state physics to design improved logic gates, transistors, micro-lasers, photo detectors, and microwave devices.
- Microelectronic processing Specialists study the mechanical, chemical, optical, and electrical properties of materials used in integrated circuits and develop new semiconductor materials.