The textile industry is in a period of rapid and revolutionary modernization and automation in India. The engineers graduated in Textile Engineering are equipped with the knowledge of the behavior of textile materials and the functions of machinery in textile and clothing technologies.
Textile Engineering deals with the application of scientific and engineering principles to the design and control of all aspects of fiber, textile, and apparel processes, products, and machinery. These include natural and man-made materials, interaction of materials with machines, safety and health, energy conservation, and waste and pollution control.
Job Prospects
They are employed in departments of textile plants and companies varying from small to big scale, i.e., production, planning, quality control, sales or marketing or in agencies of domestic or foreign companies for textile products and textile machinery, concentrated in different regions of the country.
In India, there are two major textile sectors- handloom sector (the unorganized one) and the mechanized sector (organized sector). These both have full growth potential. There are thousands of textiles mills all over the country.
Graduates with textile chemistry find careers in dyeing and finishing, technical services, research and development, quality control, product development, polymer science and environmental control. Most graduates of the with textile management program initially enter management trainee programs which can ultimately lead to plant or corporate management. Other career options include technical sales, industrial engineering, product development, marketing, customer relations, human resources, and cost and inventory control. So one who has a degree in Textile Engineering can work as :
- Process engineer
- Quality control supervisor
- Technical Services/Sales Manager
- Operations Trainee
- Process Improvement Engineer
- Medical Textiles Engineer
Professional Courses
One can pursue a degree of B.tech or B.E in chemical or textile engineering.
Textile engineering courses deal with the application of scientific and engineering principles to the design and control of all aspects of fiber, textile, and apparel processes, products, and machinery. These include natural and man-made materials, interaction of materials with machines, safety and health, energy conservation, and waste and pollution control. Additionally, students are given experience in plant design and layout, machine and wet process design and improvement, and designing and creating textile products. Throughout the Textile Engineering curriculum, students take classes from other engineering and disciplines including: Mechanical, Chemical, Materials and Industrial Engineering Departments. There are four concentrations in the Textile Engineering Program
- Information Systems Design
- Machine Design
- Textile Product Engineering
- Chemical Processing
Courses in accounting, economics, management, marketing and computers are coordinated with textile courses related to managing people and processes in the fiber, textile, carpet and apparel industries. Optional courses allow a student to concentrate on specific aspects of the business such as marketing or apparel manufacturing.
Colleges, Institutions and Universities
It includes subjects like:
- Textile chemical technology
It deals with the innovative solutions to today and tomorrow's textile wet processing opportunities.
- Fiber science technology
deals with fiber and polymer research, helps to develops new fibers, and tries to increase the productive capacity
- Technical textile
Technical textiles are the term given to textile products manufactured for non-aesthetic purposes, where function is the primary criterion. These include textile structures for autmotive applications, medical textiles ( e.g. implants), geotextiles (reinforcement of enbankments), agrotextiles (textiles for crop protection), protective clothing (e.g. against heat and radiation for fire figther clothing, against molten metals for welders, stab protection and bulletproof vests),spacesuits(astraunats).nufactured for non aesthetic purposes, where function is the primary criterion.
- Computer application in textile
This study helps the engineers to design various products with the help of computers.