Subject: Advice for job change
for a B.Com graduate with ten years experience as Accountant
Date: 4-Mar-2003
Question: Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a B.Com Graduate completed my course in Madras University, I have ten
years experience as Accountant in various oraganisations. Due to poor salary
and company background I have been switched on to many companies, but now
I want to settle in my life permanently for which I am searching for a permanent
job where I can serve lifelong without any problem, now I am a married person
where my responsibilities are very high, I have to take care of my old parents
as well, Please help me and lighten my life for which I will be grateful
to you forever. At present, I am working in ION Exchange (India) Ltd as
Commercial Supervisor where I am handling Sales Invoice, Collection Register,
Credit Notes, Bank Reconciliation, Petty Cash, Central Excise, Income-Tax
,Stock Statement etc, and accounting related works. I am searching for a
suitable job. Awaiting for your favourable and earlier reply in this regard.
Thank you. |
Answer: I appreciate your concern. Actually the problem seems
to lie in you. You appear to be very ambitious and also somewhat impatient.
You must be good in your job knowledge and communication skills and having
very good confidence in your self. Having reached your middle career you
are now looking for some mentor. Remember, rolling stones gather no BOSS.
For stability in organization, you need a protector at times. Since you
have changed many jobs, at each change you would have negotiated a salary
jump and today your salary my be out of proportion with your experience and
competence vis a vis your colleagues. This would entail bitching and corporate
politics, and to avoid, you would look for a change and move on and further
get down in to the mud, which would by now have become sinking sand. So
there is no recourse other than hard work and smart work. Please attend
seminars to upgrade your knowledge. Even at your own cost. Put in long hours
to cover your incompetence that may be visible only to your seniors. Think
of saving the company its costs, even if it means firing some body. If you
do not, some body else will, and you may be the next target.
Your counsel. |
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