Subject: Advertising as Career
Date: 22-Jul-2002
Question: I am an electrical and electronics engineering student of B.I.T.S Pilani. I
have a feeling that I am quite creative when it comes to ideas for art and
advertising though I do not have any specific qualification. I am
contemplating a career in advertising. What should my next step be? |
Answer: There are a few things that you can do:
One, start maintaining a file in which you keep cuttings from News Paper
Ads, Magazine Ads and categories them in to Corporate Image Ads, FMCGs
product promotion Ads, Special promotional campaigns etc. File them
separately for News Papers and Magazines. Keep a tap on media print cost per
cc. Note on the Ad the date, Paper/Mag name and probable cost. Generally on
lower right hand side end the Ad agency puts its name and code. Next, write
down the critical points that are plus and the ones that are minus as per
your views. Comment on color combination, Visual lay out, copy etc. Though
in practice, all these are separate specialists jobs. Re-write your own
Two, if possible, record Video Ads, again category wise.
In simple words, develop your own reference library.
Over time, you will realize the reality of your interest. If it pursues and
emerges as stronger, after six months or so, start taking up multimedia
training in various softwares. Try your hand at graphics. Photography.
Participate in competitions that ask one liners. They are looking for punch
lines. Ultimately it is your skill, uniqueness that will make your Ads stand
Over three years you will build quite a library and when you look out for
jobs, your home work will help you get in to many jobs which you can choose
from. |
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