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Subject: Technical MBA from IMT
Date: 14-Oct-2002
Question: I'm working as an Associate Consultant with a software company. I'm having 5 years of experience. Now I'm planning to go for Technical MBA from IMT. Please suggest me whether it would help me in my career or it would be just wastage of time and money
Answer: It will not help you in your Technical work. If you have plans to go abroad, as your experience level is ideal now, then study will get disturbed. An MBA will be more useful if you want to pursue program management as a career rather than technical work. In the US, 'Hands on' people are preferred to others.

If you are strong technically, say if you have topped in college, say for example from S.L.I.E.T. (Punjab University). 1997, then you should pursue M Tech. Perhaps from US. That should be your career. Later an MBA from US could be considered.