Subject: Career options after B.Tech.
Date: 5-Oct-2007
Question: Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a student of B.Tech. Computer Science final year. I wish to plan my future with your valuable advice. I have been placed in a reputed Indian MNC but I'm unsure whether I should join the job, go for higher studies , or wait for sometime before pursuing higher studies. I'm also unsure whether I should go in for a career change. My technical knowledge is average and my areas of interest are Mathematics, Languages and Literature (I had thought of Journalism as a career option once but went for a B.Tech instead), Computer Security and Human Resources. I am looking for a career option that gives me job satisfaction, an opportunity to contribute actively in Society and help people. I'm really in a dilemma. Please advice me.
Thank you. |
Answer: Congratulations for your job! If you are not inclined to get into the job routine now and want to study further it would be better if you do something of your choice, something that interests you. As you are inclined towards Human Resources and Mathematics and Languages, doing an MBA(HR/Finance/IT) from a reputed institution would help better your future prospects.
You may also consider doing a specialization in "Computer Security" if that is the subject of your interest and you have a perfect background in that. Computer Security can be specialized by doing a M.Tech. and picking your subjects around the Security in Computers and Networks and write thesis on the topic.
If you are not in a dire need for a job then go ahead with higher education or else join now, get some experience and later do the course. Any case, you would get better offers later as well. Weigh your pros and cons depending on the reputation of the company and your priorities.
All the best!
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