Subject: what should i do next?
Date: 9-Feb-2002
Question: Hi!,
I am Usha and have finished my IInd year in Bsc. Computers at
Hyderabad. As I am doing my degree in computers, I would like to pursue my
career also in Computers. I want to make my computer background strong and
thus want to do part-time computer course during the holidays.
Could you please advice me upon which computer course should I go
What are the other Post-graduation courses for which i have to prepare
from now onwards?
Thanking you in advance.
Usha. |
Answer: Dear Usha,
You have opted for a very good career. After your graduation, you
should plan for doing Masters in Computer Applications (M.C.A.) The MCA
entrance examination requires a very thorough knowledge of all the
Mathematics subjects that you study during your graduation, also brush
up your English language through GRE. An MCA from a good institute is
equivalent to B.Tech, and the job options for you will be unlimited.
Instead of going in for a computer course at this stage, I would suggest
that you take up small projects and assignments to strengthen your
programming skills.
All the best!
Your counsel. |
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