Subject: Scope of different Computer courses
Date: 7-Aug-2002
Question: I have done B.Com(hons) in 2000 from Sri Ram College of Commerce.
I have passed C.S. (inter) with it too.
Now I am doing M.C.A. from M.M.M.E.C. College, Gorakhpur.
I would be post graduating in 2004, by then what skills should I have
to enter the market.
What languages, Operating System, Visual Tools
If possible could you mail me a list of companies, which take freshers
for the project or training. |
Answer: I think you should consider the following:
Since you have good academic back ground in commerce, a fact that you have
done from S.R.C.C. tells me, finish the C.A. It is important for you and not very
difficult also.
Then you are doing your MCA. That will get over in 2004 and you will have to
do a training before you get your degree.
Having a CA and an MCA will make you uniquely qualified for both CA
professional jobs and in the job you can apply your MCA fundas to build a
unique product, a software financial instrument. You can also look at jobs
in IT. It is difficult to predict right now who will be taking freshers and
when. In my belief, the blend, CA and MCA will help you to get in to an
organization such as Reliance or multinationals. |
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