Subject: About higher studies in abroad after
B.E. in Mechanical Engineering
Date: 16-Nov-2002
Question: I am doing my B.E. in Mechanical Engineering. I want to do my higher studies
in abroad. Please guide about a master degree which is of high scope &
in which country shall I choose & also guide about the exams we should
give for it and also about the way of exams. Thank you. |
Answer: Three facts:
Scope for English speaking people is in English speaking countries. Education
abroad is not cheap. Once you are back, there will be a raised expectation
in terms of returns from a job. The way the industry is, the capacity to
pay and number of job openings are only shrinking.
Therefore, in my opinion, try to get in to a job right now and take up a
correspondence course from Rookie or Pilani or else where it suits you or
where you could get in to. You are a mechanical engineer and fear not of
dirtying your hands in oil slick. This is one discipline where vacancies
shall be most.
Now, how to compete with others in a job?
Improve your communication skills. Take up a professional coaching. Write
to us for more details. |
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