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Subject: After what to get a good paid job?
Date: 21-Sep-2007
Question: I'm pursuing Part2. I wanted to know what courses should I do or what other degrees are required to complete so that i can get a well paid job. A job in accounts is ok but I would prefer somthing more,even though I am good at accounts. something more exciting in the corporate world....
Answer: What seems exciting and well paid might not seem to the other person.It is a very personal approach to life. M.Com. is already a master's programme and if you want to give it a professional touch for entering the corporate world it would be better if you could try doing MBA from a reputed institute. You could further specialise in finance. That would give you openings in banking as well. There are various specialisations in MBA as such and you could decide on those once you know what is your definition of excitement and good salary.

Hope that helps you.