Subject: How to improve public speaking and build
up a powerful personality as a professional architect?
Date: 26-Dec-2002
Question: Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a student of third year architecture. I am very much worried about
my career. I want to improve my public speaking and want to build up a powerful
personality as a professional architect. If you find any information worth
for my problem, please do mail me as a part of your career age guidance.
Thank you. |
It is good that you have written about your concern and desire. You can
work on this aspect and very well come over it. We need the following in
puts from your side:
Talk to us or write giving detail about each of the following:
- Your childhood,
- Your family and parents,
- Neighbors,
- School,
- Teachers,
- Friends and
- Foes.
Write about your health in general. Write about any thing else that we
have not covered here and you think it's important and needs mention. Mention
who is your ideal personality and describe his or hers plus and minus points.
Tell us about things that happened in your life that boosted your morals.
Tell us if there is some thing bad that happened. Tell us your thoughts
about pets. What are your main values in life that you strive for? How religious
are you? Do you like going outside and meet friends. What kind of music
you like to listen to. What are your hobbies? What are your ambitions? What
is your reaction when a beggar faces you? What is the first thought that
crosses your mind when you see the morning newspaper report of a gruesome
murder; a suicide, a bride burn, a rape, a won match, political developments.
We will take up from there on. In the meanwhile, you need to ask yourself,
are you really ready for a change that will change your life style, or, you
ultimately think that you are fine as you are because of the comfort, certainty
etc. Be honest. No harm in saying that you truly like the way your are and
thoughts of change are only momentary existence.
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