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Subject: Which career I should choose?
Date: 2-Nov-2002
Question: I have failed in year 2 of my B.Tech (chemical engg.). Actually I was not interested in this branch. I took this branch as my friend said. The decision failed because of my reserve behavior right from my childhood. But now sir I have following career choices preference wise as follows:
  1. Merchant navy
  2. Commercial pilot
  3. Automotive or software engg.
  4. MBA
But my age is now 21 complete. I am an S.C. candidate. Please tell me what to do exactly. Thank you.
Answer: Frankly, please do not blame your friend for getting you in to the mess. You may have already lost that friendship. May be when you were making a choice, you did not know what you should do and this friend of yours suggested either based on your past marks, or just as a name throwing and since you were neutral, or did not know what you wanted, you landed up in Chemical.

I still find you confused, as all five disciplines that you have said are independent and separate directions. Then why not Aeronautical or mining? The list is just endless.

Friend, therefore, try to score the best in what you have. The moment you stop cursing your friend and instead thinking in another way that your friend has given you the direction and a goal that you must achieve. No point being rudderless.