Subject: Distance education courses after B.Sc
Date: 24-Aug-2002
Question: I am a B.Sc (chemistry, botany & zoology) graduate with a first class, in 1992. Then I did my Office automation course in computer & hence familiar with MS-Office, Visio. I am working in a software development company as Documentalist-cum- PS to Vice President.
I want to qualify myself technically so that my job opportunities are widened. I would prefer correspondence courses since I am a married woman with a 7 year old daughter and hence time constraint. |
Answer: It will be useful for you to do some self study. You must look at an Executive Assistant role enhancing from the P.S. role as of now. The E.A. is supposed to be - proactive and analytical.
- Knowledge bank.
- Helping superior manage time better.
The following are useful:- Statistics: It helps you understand and analyze data. Trends, correlation, standard deviation and measures of central tendency.
- Management & Financial matters: How to read and analyze a balance sheet, ratio Analysis.
- Technology: You must know the state of the art
- Products:
- P.D.As.
- Latest mobile phone plus (Combo) devices.
- Projection devices.
- Computing devices.
Internet could be a good source of information. Read magazines for latest up dates. Distance learning from IGNOU could be useful. Do not waste too much time and money. |
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