Subject: IT career guidance
Date: 29-Mar-2003
Question: Dear Sir/Madam,
I have done graduation(pass course) + DOEACC A level(1997). Even after faring
well in my institute and DOE exams it took me long to find a job. Finally
got got trained in AS/400,(1998). Inspite of that I could not find a decent
job with that training. Finally I took up a job of computer Faculty job.
Ever since 1998, I have taught at reputed IT training companies at Calcutta.
These are very big names in IT training industry. However there has been
no real growth for me. Although in these years, I have learnt a many softwares/languages,
setup network at offices, given technical support to people and organizations,
conducted corporate training etc etc. I only got so called promotions and
some monetary hike. After the training industry went into slump, I was out
of work for 6 months. Every single company I apply, pays no heed to my experience,
and do not even receive an interview call. Currently I have somehow managed
to get a job as "software engineer" in a startup co. Even here I have to
start as a fresher once again. Even my performance in this company has
gone down and I find that my future is very bleak here too. Other employees
are all B.E., or B.Tech's from reputed engineering colleges(IIT's & REC's).
I feel very very frustrated and direction less in life. Inspite of putting
very very hard work all these years I feel I am in a dead end. I am 29 now.
Please offer me a career guidance as what to do now. I still feel I have
a year or so to improve myself in the present job scenario, before it is too
late. Hope you would consider my case a bit sympathetically and offer me
a excellent advice. Thank you. |
Answer: The problem my dear is partly with you. You are trying
to compete and compare yourself with engineers. You do not have to. Your
qualification is different. Accept it. Now comes your knowledge and competence:
Please follow the following steps: they will help you improve your outlook
and performance. Learn the skills and practice. Good programming requires
diligent working and teamwork. Try and work harder than you are putting in
right now.
Your counsel. |
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