Subject: Advice for better job
Date: 1-Oct-2002
Question: I am from Nashik done B.Com in 1996 I working here as EDP-Officer in
this field "I.T." / "Computer programming" from last 7 years but I don't
have any additional qualification i.e., M.C.M., M.C.A. etc. Please guide
me what can I do to make my career in this field I have done projects in
Oracle, VB, FoxPro but I don't have any certification. Now I am facing a
problem to search new job. So please guide me.
Answer: Qualifications are a bottom line. The qualifications are the first step that
start differentiation and then knowledge, and then skill and lastly proven
You have 7 year experience. Your salary must be becoming higher over the
years. Thus today you must be becoming costlier for the company. Thus there
may be different vibes that you may be receiving from different corners.
It is high time you do get the basic qualifications if you want to keep your
foot hold. |
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