Subject: Trainee Chemical Engineering
Date: 27-Sep-2002
Question: My passed out as a B.Tech student in chemical engineering from I.I.T. Kanpur
this year, without a job, & its very difficult to get a job at the entry
level from outside. What should I do? Do you know some consultant firms
which cater to entry level jobs in nonI.T. sector? Thank You. |
Answer: These days companies are hiring directly more than through consultants. I
would suggest that you make a good resume and send to companies of repute
directly. Remember I.I.T. Kanpur is the stamp for entry. Select a few companies and
send your resume to C.E.O directly in their mail box. Keep intro-letter very
short. Attach your detailed resume separately. Ensure there is no virus in
your documents.
You will get response. Sure. |
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