Subject: Fresher E.I. Engineer
Date: 26-Sep-2002
Question: I am a fresh Electronics and Instrumentation engineer. Now-a-days
I find jobs are very few for an instrumentation engineer. How can I to
find a technical job in these adverse scenario? Please do help me out
with some suggestions.
Answer: The situation you are in is omnipresent and does not reflect in any manner
on your 'incapability'. There are just no takers at all!
So you have to sit for competitive exams. But they do not assure you of
technical job.
You may have to make more than 200 applications. Do not count and never
mention how many applications you have made.
It is useful to surf the net and gain latest updates on instruments of your
interest. May be think of an innovation that is significant. make a complete
doc. make many such docs on different ideas. When you are in an interview,
mention about your innovations and designs. Some will definitely get
Alternatively, when you have these docs ready, you may approach a few
friends and get them together. Discuss and refine the doc and design. Take
the proposal to a bank and talk about loan for a small scale unit of your
Make this your passion, and you will succeed. Believe yourself.
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